Question: What percentage of our class contributed to our 2018 class gift?

Answer:   Eh, I don’t know.   But. according to our class treasurer, Wayne Green, the Alumni Office reported that 64 members of our class contributed about $43k for our 35thReunion. Of course, we would love to do more every time! We learned some valuable lessons from this reunion season. The main lesson, I think, is to plan way ahead of time to maximize our contributions to our “Home By The Sea”.  Since our next reunion gift will probably be double our last gift, we can work over the next five years to make it happen. So, there is no time like the present to start planning. Our class leaders have been busy getting things in gear.  You can jump right in to the fundraising efforts by grabbing some Hampton Institute Radiance gear and getting your tickets for the October 26thcomedy event at Cozzy’s Comedy Club.  Sport the Red and Gold at the comedy club and show that class spirit for Homecoming!  

Here is another idea to increase donations.  Some of us may work for companies that offer a matching gifts program.  If you are unsure if your company has such a program, please make it a point to find out THIS WEEK.  These programs provide a way for companies to support organizations that are important to their employees. Some companies match dollar for dollar up to a specific amount.  You can max your donation to Hampton at whatever level your company matches and potentially DOUBLE your donation.  If your company will double your $1,000 donation…well, that’s a no-brainer. Find out what the policies are for your company.  

A couple of events will have transpired by the time this newsletter is published.  So, if you went to the Biennial Reunion in Chicago, or Alumni Day on campus, please share your pictures with radiance1983@gmail.comso that the pictures can be posted to the Radiance FB page.  

For your Radiance gear and event information, go to

Until next time,

Hampton Hugs! 

Sheila (Sweat) Van Diver