Staying Radiant, Classmates

We hope this newsletter finds you safe and healthy amid this pandemic. A special thanks to our Radiance classmates that are among the first responders, doctors, nurses, medical specialists, hospital and emergency
services workers, and volunteers.  A big THANK YOU for all you do.

Classmates, I am hopeful that you are finding calm and a new “Zen” as you shelter in your homes and embrace your families and loved ones.  Whether you are sheltering with your parents, your children, alone, or with your significant other please stay safe and be kind to one another.  We still have a long road to travel with this pandemic.

Throughout this pandemic, technology has played a huge part in helping us stay connected.  Thank goodness for technology which allows us to communicate with our loved ones via Facetime, Zoom and Skype, just to name a few.  Social media has taken the edge off being quarantined by keeping us informed, by allowing us to enter social media challenges, laughing at other folks’ posts, praying, and having in home church services.

This too shall pass so, Classmates, stay vigilant, safe and follow the rules in order to keep us on track for being able to open our doors and enjoy our lives once again.

Blessings, Peace, Unity,

Shine on Radiance!