Classmates, our 40th Reunion is in 2023.  Hampton University sets the goal for all classes.  Our goal is $85,000.
Pay a little each month and it won’t be so painful in the end!!  Imagine if at least 125 of Radiance class members committed to sending Wayne Greene $18.68 per month for 48 months:  That’s over $100,000!!!! See below for a history of our class’ giving over the years.

Class Historian

Sharon Callahan

Alumni Giving

On April 12, 2019, Hampton University’s Day of Giving was launched.   I thought to myself, Hampton University has plenty of money, so why should I give.   Like many of you, I already paid for my education, and in addition, I sent my son to Hampton which cost me well over 100 thousand dollars.   I figured I had done my part in giving back.   But then I did a little soul searching on why I should continue to give to Hampton University. 

 First, I have a great love for Hampton University.   Having developed lifelong relationships with people I met while living on campus and during my college career, including my children’s godparents, I always tell people that Hampton is my heart.

Secondly, I know first hand that the school has a great reputation for excellence.     My 35-year career of listening to colleagues and other professionals talk about Hampton, and having watched the success of not only all of my classmates, but also other alumni.  Research tells me that “when evaluating and ranking colleges and universities, alumni participation rates are one of the factors considered.  Rankings can affect reputation, reputation can affect enrollment, and enrollment can affect revenue from tuition.  High levels of alumni participation can inspire major donors, corporations, and foundations to increase their own support. People and organizations want to invest in successful institutions that others are supporting too.  It is a signal to other charitable institutions that Hampton is well loved and supported by its graduates.”

Lastly, I want others to have the wonderful experience that I had and still have at Hampton University.  Every time I go on the campus, I see light years of improvements from when I was there.  The school continues to grow, so I committed to giving a recurring gift of $18.68 a month for 48 months, which represents the year the school was founded, and is automatically withdrawn from my bank account each month.     

Imagine if  at least 125 of Radiance class members committed to giving that $18.68 per month for 48 months….that’s over $100,000. 

So the next article I submit will be on the history of Radiance’s giving to Hampton University since 1988,  what our goals have been and are, and the evolution of the Alumni Giving Banquet, and how we rank as compared to other Hampton Classes.


Until then

Sharon Joyner Callahan

Historian, Radiance, Class of 1983






Make A Gift - Make A Difference!

Recurring Gift Update


Dear Sharon,


Thank you for your continued generosity to Hampton University. Your recurring gift to Make A Gift - Make A Difference! at Hampton University has been updated and you will find a summary of your gift below. If you would like to make any changes to your recurring gift, please use the following link:  Manage Recurring Gift

If you have any questions, please email support@givecampus.com.


Thank you again for your support!


Your Recurring Gift Summary:


Institution                                          Hampton University

Campaign                                           Make A Gift - Make A Difference!

Name                                                    Sharon

Email                                                    cswceo@aol.com

Billing cycle                                      Monthly

Installment amount                       $18.68

Total Payments                               48

Payments made                               3

Total paid                                           $56.04

Remaining balance                        $840.60

Remaining payments    45

Total gift                                             $896.64

Last billed on                                    Jun 12, 2019

Next payment on                            Sep 12, 2019

Expires on                                          Mar 13, 2023


Below is a tax receipt for tax reporting purposes


Tax Receipt from Hampton University

Name: Sharon J Callahan

Gift Date: June 12, 2019 at 11:10AM EDT

Total Gift Amount: $18.68

Gift Designation: Other - Radiance - Class of 83: $18.68

What is Your Life Built On?

Can you believe that it has been 40 years (1979 to 2019) since we first arrived at our Home By The Sea?

What a journey!  These 40-year-old historical documents give us a glimpse into the future that we could not see in September of 1979.   Let’s take a peek.  

Do you remember the Memorial Church?   That Clock Tower is a symbol of Hampton University and that branding still appears on many publications today.

Do you remember what the sermon was on September 2, 1979?  Probably not. I would not have known either but I scribbled it down on the chapel’s bulletin (click the link to view images of the bulletin):  “What Is Your Life Built On? “   Forty years later, can you answer that question? We see some very familiar names in the program: Dr. Roland M. Carter and The Rev. M. A. Battle. Probably the most interesting announcement is the special welcome to the Freshman Class…us.

Do you remember the Student Leader Inauguration (click the link to view images of the program) held on September 9, 1979 in Ogden Hall? We see some very familiar names here too: Charles…. didn’t we call him “Chucky” Hines. 

I was lucky to get the editor of Essence Magazine’s autograph.  How did I do that…hmmmmm?

How about the legendary Greer Wilson…. who we know became Dr. Wilson.  

I look at the list of student leaders, and I see two Ms. Hampton.  Do you know their names?   Who do you see?   What information can you add about these documents?   Let us know.

Sharon Joyner Callahan



My, How We've Grown!

Do you remember what you were doing 39 years ago?  Perhaps the letter attached will jog your memory. We were entering freshmen at then “Hampton Institute”.   What else does the letter tells us?  Everyone knows that Hampton University celebrated its "Sesquicentennial" (150 years) in 2018, but did you know that when we entered as freshman, it was the "112th" year of the University.  We also know that Dr. William R. Harvey celebrated his "40th" year as President in 2018, but did you know that he actually was inaugurated in "1979".   He talks about his first year in this letter.   When we entered Hampton, we were the largest class to enter at that time.   Do you remember the famous quote?  "Look to your left and right, in front of you and behind you......those persons will not be here in four years".  Well, we made it, and 39 years later.....we are still together as a "Radiance" Family. 

Take a look at this Peterson's Guide from 1978 about Hampton Institute. 

A Message From Your Historian

Fellow Classmates,

At our 35th reunion held this year in May, the class participants shared with each other their “then” and “now” story at the Class Meeting. The exchange was enlightening and inspiring. As we kick off the historical perspective of Radiance, one of the most important items on the agenda is to continue the bond established during our time at Hampton. So, as the newly appointed Historian, from time to time, I will share narratives of activities and events from August of 1979 to May of 1983 as it relates to Radiance.

Should you have an idea and / or historical story, please contact me at radiance83historian@gmail.com.

Yours in history,

Sharon Joyner Callahan