My, How We've Grown!

Do you remember what you were doing 39 years ago?  Perhaps the letter attached will jog your memory. We were entering freshmen at then “Hampton Institute”.   What else does the letter tells us?  Everyone knows that Hampton University celebrated its "Sesquicentennial" (150 years) in 2018, but did you know that when we entered as freshman, it was the "112th" year of the University.  We also know that Dr. William R. Harvey celebrated his "40th" year as President in 2018, but did you know that he actually was inaugurated in "1979".   He talks about his first year in this letter.   When we entered Hampton, we were the largest class to enter at that time.   Do you remember the famous quote?  "Look to your left and right, in front of you and behind you......those persons will not be here in four years".  Well, we made it, and 39 years later.....we are still together as a "Radiance" Family. 

Take a look at this Peterson's Guide from 1978 about Hampton Institute.