
Get In Where You Fit In

Can you believe it? Our 40th Year Class Reunion is fast approaching. Before we know it, it will be May 2023, and we will be together celebrating and reminiscing at our Home by the Sea.

Hampton University has set our 40th reunion class giving goal at $85,000.  We are not waiting until the end of 2022 to encourage you. Our fundraising leads-Larry Manlove & Willie Williams-are asking you to participate in the “Get In Where You Fit In” mindset. “Get In Where You Fit In” simply focuses on the art of possible if all classmates participate at some level. As the chart below indicates, we have the potential to raise over $150,000 if just 83 class members participate at the levels indicated. Each of us can “Get In Where You Fit In”  to help our class reach its goal.

This new mindset focuses on participation by all rather than on everyone paying a specific amount. Class members are encouraged to contribute what they can within the identified levels. The theme is to encourage full class participation at some level. Our fundraising leads will be asking classmates to identify via a pledge the fundraising level they will work toward. (Note that we are encouraging class members to give every year; view the shaded area to see the art of the possible there.) 

Funds donated between July 2022 and May 2023 count towards our alumni giving goal of $85,000. If each of us adopts the “Get In Where You Fit In” mindset, we can exceed that goal. The ULTIMATE goal is 100% participation at some level.

Ways to Donate

We recommend you make your contributions directly to Hampton University. Make sure you annotate that your contribution should be credited to the Class of 1983.
Click for online donation: DONATE | Click for mailed donation: FORM

You may also contribute to the fund set up by our class. Our treasurer has set up a separate account exclusively for contributions. We will send a single check for the funds collected in this account; a note with the names and amounts contributed by each individual will be included to ensure each receives credit.

If you have questions contact Larry Manlove, loveque@verizon.net or Willie Williams, willge81@aol.com.