As we near our 40th reunion, we must look ahead to our 45th. Now is the time to nominate yourself or another classmate to lead us to 2028. This year, we have classmates who have taken leadership roles on the international stage for our beloved Home by the Sea:

  • Darrell and Myra Williams are the President and 1st Lady of Hampton University.

  • Willie Williams is the President of the National Hampton Alumni Association (NHAA).

  • Wayne Green is the Treasurer of the NHAA.

During our class meeting on Saturday, May 13, 2023, we will elect our next class leaders. “Class Leaders are able to personalize the University's messages, increase the number of alumni contacted, and provide Hampton with important insight regarding their classmates. This volunteer experience provides you with the opportunity to connect with classmates and gain an insider's view of the University today.” Are you that person? Will you help Darrell, Myra, Willie, and Wayne? Please read Class Leaders Responsibilities to learn more about the role and value of being a class leader. Class leaders start serving at the conclusion of the 40th reunion until the culmination of the 45th reunion. Reminder-you can nominate yourself. Our secretary Phyllis Baker will collect nominations and present final ballot at our class meeting.