Newsletter — Hampton University

Radiance Classmates,
Didn’t we have a blast at our 35 Year Class Reunion?  It was awesome!  Kudos to Debra Flores for outstanding leadership for an awesome team!  And of course, we just could not let those memories float into oblivion. 

Here is the link for our pictures:

Whether you made it to the celebration or not, enjoy our reunion pictures.  If you attended the reunion, you will be receiving a group picture shortly.  If you did not attend, you can order the group picture or any of the other pictures directly from the photographer, and they are free to download.  Easy!  

So, let’s talk about the 40th.  Let’s start saving for our class gift.  Be creative!
Thanks Tanya, Wayne, and Phyllis for leading our class.  

Homecoming 2018 will be held October 26 – 28.  Hotel accommodations are on your own.  We will, however, be hosting a Friday night Radiance event.  Check for details on our Events page on the website.

Let’s stay in touch.  Look for the newsletter several times per year, just to keep up with one another.  If you happen to know of class members who are not connected to the group, please forward the website information to them and have them connect with the 2023 reunion committee at  Make sure to include your married name, maiden name, nickname (if any), and any address, phone, and email updates.

So, whether you reconnected at the Meet & Greet, our Class Meeting, the “All White with a Touch of Blue” Day Party (you never know when you’ll need to do “The Hustle”), Chilin’ and Catching Up on the patio, Alumni Banquet, or singing along with Twana and shouting “Amen” to the sermon by Rev. Mike Armstrong at the Sunday Praise and Worship breakfast, I hope you all had a great time.  It is, and it was, “good for brethren (and the sisterhood) to gather together”!  

Say Amen somebody!


Sheila (Sweat) Van Diver